Tooth Extractions In Lexington

Having a tooth extracted may seem intimidating; but sometimes, an extraction is the best way to restore your oral health, prevent further complications, and restore your smile. At Palmetto Dental Associates, we specialize in gentle tooth extractions. Dr. Shull and Dr. Thomas are here to help you get the care you need.

If you need a tooth extraction, you’ll be in good hands. Call us at 803-808-0888 or contact us online to schedule an appointment, and get the help you need for troublesome teeth in Lexington, Irmo, and Columbia.

Tooth extraction

When Are Extractions Necessary?

Extractions are necessary when one of your teeth is unhealthy or damaged and can’t be saved with other treatments like a crown or root canal. For example, if your tooth is severely cracked and broken due to dental trauma from decay or an accident, it may need to be extracted and replaced.

At Palmetto Dental Associates, Dr. Thomas and Dr. Shull practice conservative dentistry. We will only recommend a tooth extraction when we truly believe it’s your best option. Preserving your original tooth is always the best option, if possible.

Basic Tooth Extractions

Basic or “simple” tooth extractions are used to remove damaged, decayed, or infected teeth. For example, if you have a severely infected tooth that can’t be treated with a root canal, Dr. Thomas or Dr. Shull may recommend extraction to eliminate pain and restore your oral health. Tooth extractions are often needed before treatments like dentures or dental implants.

Extractions may also sometimes be performed on healthy teeth in certain situations, such as in preparation for orthodontic treatment (braces).

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

The wisdom teeth are the final set molars that grow into our mouths, usually around the ages of 17-25. Because they come in so late, some patients don’t have the space for them to emerge properly.

This is particularly important for patients who have had braces or other orthodontic work. If they don’t grow into the mouth properly, wisdom teeth can damage the nearby teeth. This can cause pain, discomfort, a higher risk of infections, and many other complications.

What To Expect During The Extraction Process

To begin the process, Dr. Thomas will clean and numb the tooth or teeth that need to be extracted. Dr. Thomas uses the latest techniques to ensure pain-free treatment. Once the area is completely numb, she will begin the extraction, thoroughly explaining each step of the procedure so that you are comfortable.

Dr. Thomas will answer any questions and explain how you should care for the extraction site, review dietary recommendations, and much more. You will also be sent home with written recovery instructions. Following these instructions closely will ensure that you recover from your procedure quickly and minimize the risk of post surgical complications. Call 803-808-0888 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Thomas or Dr. Shull to discuss extractions at Palmetto Dental Associates in Lexington, SC.

Am I A Good Candidate For A Tooth Extraction?

Typically, you’ll only be a good candidate for tooth extraction if there are no other treatments that are suitable for your condition. For example, if you have a severely infected tooth that can’t be restored with root canal therapy, Dr. Shull or Dr. Thomas may recommend a tooth extraction. Or, if you have a wisdom tooth that’s not growing into your mouth properly, it may need to be pulled to protect your oral health.

However, if Dr. Shull or Dr. Thomas believes that your natural tooth can be saved, we will typically recommend alternative treatments to tooth extractions. At our office, tooth extractions are always our last resort. When possible, it’s always better to restore and preserve your natural teeth. 

But if you suspect that you have an unhealthy tooth in Lexington and you think that a tooth extraction is right for you, the team at Palmetto Dental Associates is here to help. You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Shull or Dr. Thomas now, get an oral exam, and learn more about your options for saving or extracting your tooth.

Common Signs That Your Wisdom Teeth Need Extraction

Pain in the rear of your mouth is the most common sign that your wisdom teeth are not healthy, and may require extraction. If you feel lots of pain in the back of your mouth, it’s likely that you will need to have your wisdom teeth extracted.

In some cases, you may also notice gum swelling and discoloration near the rear of your mouth. This is because, if your wisdom teeth don’t erupt fully, a flap of gum tissue can form over the tooth. This flap tends to collect food particles and bacteria, and can lead to a higher risk of gum infections.

Wisdom teeth can also cause jaw stiffness, which may make it hard to open and close your mouth properly. In some cases, upper wisdom teeth can also cause sinus pressure and discomfort if they're not growing into your mouth properly.

If you notice any of these above symptoms, you should come into Palmetto Dental Associates for a consultation as soon as possible. The sooner you have your wisdom teeth removed, the sooner you can get relief from your pain, and from the other potential oral health complications of unhealthy wisdom teeth.

How Long Does An Extraction Take To Heal?

It will take about two weeks for your extraction site to heal completely. However, you can usually mostly get back to your daily routine within just a day or two. After your appointment at Palmetto Dental Associates, Dr. Shull or Dr. Thomas will provide you with a set of instructions that you’ll need to follow as you heal.

You’ll need to take special steps to clear your extraction site, avoid heavy exercise for a few days, and eat a diet of mostly soft foods for a week or two as you recover. Make sure to follow their instructions closely to reduce pain and speed up the healing process, and come to any follow-up appointments at our office as directed.