Hybrid / All-on-4 Dentures / "Teeth in a day" in Lexington

A one-day procedure for non-removable teeth

Tired of your complete dentures flopping around? Do you know you need complete dentures but dread the thought of removing your teeth at night? If all of your teeth must be extracted or are already missing, a wonderful option is now available to get permanent, fixed teeth that never come out - and in just one day - screwed into 4 or 5 implants per arch. Dr. Frankie Shull and Dr. Caroline Thomas work closely with a periodontist and a lab technician to give you the ultimate smile, and quality of life, makeover!

Hybrid dentures completed at PDA shown below:


What is All-on-4?

All-on-4 is another term for implant-retained dentures. This treatment consists of a full-arch of dental crowns that are supported by four dental implants. Essentially, all the teeth in your upper arch, lower arch, or both will be retained, or held in place, by four dental implants. Implant-retained dentures provide a completely natural look as each dental prosthetic, or crown will be custom-crafted to match your original smile. (Or improve it, if you prefer!) 

Additionally, this restoration is permanent so will never shift or move in your mouth as traditional dentures do. This is because dental implants are made of titanium which is a biocompatible material. These implants will act as an artificial tooth root, permanently bonding to your jaw bone and oral tissues for a healthy, durable hold. They also exert gentle pressure as you bite and chew, like a natural tooth would, helping to prevent bone resorption associated with tooth loss. 

What is the implant-retained dentures process?

The first step in the implant-retained dentures treatment process is consultation. During your consultation, you’ll meet with Dr. Shull or Dr. Thomas and discuss your oral health with them. They will examine your mouth and jaw bone to determine if you are a good candidate. 

If you are approved for treatment and no oral surgeries are required to prepare your mouth for your implants, such as bone grafting, your implants will be placed at your next visit. Your doctor will make four incisions in your gums and jaw in which they will place the small titanium rods. You’ll be given post-op instructions from your doctor. Be sure to follow them carefully to ensure proper healing and to avoid complications.

You’ll come back to our office a couple of times during the 4-6 month healing process so we can check that everything is on track. After you’ve healed and the implants have bonded into your jaw bone, your doctor will place your permanent dental crowns. You’ll be on your way to enjoy your beautiful new smile!

Are implant retained dentures the best option for me?

 Because all-on-four dental implants require the removal of all of your teeth in the arch that is being treated, we only recommend them for patients who are missing most or all of their teeth. If you are only missing one or two teeth, a bridge or single-tooth dental implant may be a better option for you. Every smile is different though, so to explore your options for tooth replacement, schedule an appointment today! Our team will gladly answer any question you may have and explore all of your options with you. Give us a call at 803-808-0888 or if you’re in the area, feel free to stop by our office at 216 Palmetto Park Blvd Lexington, SC 29072. We can’t wait to see you smile!