Debunking 5 Myths About Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry at Palmetto Dental Associates is a great way to stay comfortable while you get the dental care you need in Lexington. But there are some myths and misconceptions out there about sedation. And in this blog, we’ll discuss the top 5 myths, why they're wrong, and the facts behind sedation dentistry. Let’s get into it.

1. You Can Only Get Laughing Gas At The Dentist - False!

Nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” is definitely the most popular sedation method at the dentist. It actually was used as early as the 19th century to help dental patients relax, but it’s not your only option. 

You can also get oral conscious sedation at Palmetto Dental Associates. This is sometimes called “twilight dentistry” or “sleep dentistry.” You’ll take a pill before your appointment, which will leave you feeling more relaxed and sleepy during your appointment. You will likely fall asleep, and even forget what happened during your appointment.

2. Sedation Dentistry Takes A Long Time To Wear Off - False!

This depends on the type of sedation you get. Laughing gas wears off in about 5 minutes. That means you can actually drive yourself to and from Palmetto Dental Associates, and get back to school, work, or your daily routine right away.

Oral conscious sedation, however, takes a lot longer to wear off. It may take 6-8 hours or longer for you to feel normal. You can’t drive during this time, so someone will need to drive you to and home from our office and also stay with you at home for a bit until the sedation wears off.

3. Dental Sedation Isn’t Safe For Kids - False!

In fact, Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) is an excellent choice for kids, especially if they're nervous about getting dental treatment like a dental filling. Sedation from Dr. Thomas or Dr. Shull will help them feel more comfortable, and get the treatment they need without pain, fear, or other negative feelings.

4. Sedation Is Only For Major Oral Surgeries - False!

Sedation is often used for things like extractions, implants, and root canals, but it can also be used for fillings and even teeth cleanings. If you have dental anxiety or just want to relax and feel more comfortable at Palmetto Dental Associates, Dr. Thomas and Dr. Shull can provide sedation at just about any appointment.

5. Everyone Is A Good Candidate For Sedation - False!

Most healthy people can be sedated safely, but there are some exceptions. For example, sedation is not usually recommended for pregnant women, for people allergic to certain sedative medications, and in some other particular situations.

Dr. Thomas or Dr. Shull will ask you about your health history, review the medications and supplements you’re taking, and about other medical details. That way, we’ll know whether or not you’re a good candidate for sedation, and you can get the care you need safely.

Interested In Dental Sedation? Come To Palmetto Dental Associates Today!

Don’t let dental anxiety stop you from getting the dental care you need in Lexington. At Palmetto Dental Associates, we offer dental sedation, and our office is a judgment-free zone. With our help, you can take control of your oral health, relax in the dentist’s chair, and get the care you need for a healthy smile. Contact us online or give us a call at 803-808-0888 to schedule a consultation in Lexington.